"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thoughts on Proverbs 31

I've been thinking about the Proverbs 31 woman a lot lately. I have a lot swirling around in mind concerning my role as a woman of God, but you will have to wait for a post on this until I have a little more time to put my thoughts together. Busy times!

Until then, you should check out Meg's post about this very topic. Exactly what I needed to read this week. I hope it encourages you as well.

Blessings to each of you! The weekend is almost here!


  1. I was going to ask if you read Meg's blog b/c she had written about Prov 31, and then I saw the link for her. It is a great passage.

  2. My favorite verse from Prov 31 is "she is clothed in strength and dignity and she laughs at the days to come." I have always loved that it seems there is something deeply joyful and hopeful about the woman in Proverbs 31.


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